
By: Joel Charalambakis | On: July 29, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action Spanish GDP accelerated at its fastest rate in two years during the past quarter. Spain’s economy grew over 3% over the past year according to recent data released. […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: July 27, 2017 |

Cheapening the Currency: The Wrong Way Forward

In the last few commentaries we have noted that while equity markets may be stretched, there might still be room to grow given the current macro-circumstances, corporate earnings, and business […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: July 23, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action China’s economy accelerated its growth rate in Q2 to 6.9%, with consumer spending, factory output and investment all posting strong figures. Retail sales were also at their strongest […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: July 20, 2017 |

World Markets, Bank Debt, and Diversification: Earnings and Other Drivers

As many analysts have pointed out lately, the equity markets at the current levels are stretched, but probably not over-stretched. Global equity correlations have been falling this year (from their […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: July 15, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The Bank of Canada raised interest rates for the first time since 2010 this week from 0.5% to 0.75%. The tighter policy comes amidst upward revisions to forecasts […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: July 13, 2017 |

Substituting for the Credit Cycle: An Optimistic Perspective

There is almost no doubt that the extraordinary measures taken by the central banks around the world over the last several years uplifted equities, lowered cost of capital, increased corporate […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: July 9, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The U.S. economy added 222,000 in the month of June according to Friday’s employment report, which included an upward revision of to May’s report as well. While the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: July 6, 2017 |

Valuation Metrics, Currencies, and Portfolio Rebalancing: Kantian of Fichte?

According to most valuation metrics, European stocks trade at a discount relative to those in the US. Consequently, fund managers are on a shopping spree for EU-based equities. As a […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: July 1, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The Federal Reserve approved the capital plans of the 34 largest financial institutions in the U.S. The plans were the second half of the central bank’s annual stress […]

By: Thierry Malleret | On: June 30, 2017 |

Monthly Barometer’s Forward-Looking Monthly Review: An Interdisciplinary View of our Complex Global Economy

June 2017   Lowflation is back. Core inflation is softer than expected, notably in the US and Europe, but also in other countries like China. The resultant flattening bond yields […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: June 28, 2017 |

Reverberations and Growth Prospects: Implications for Equity and Fixed Income Markets

In the last few weeks two developments – related to key issues for the health of the global economy – have been unfolding. The first deals with European banks, and […]