by John E. Charalambakis | Nov 2, 2017 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
For this week’s commentary, we have chosen to look at three important indicators which could shape up the markets’ trajectory in 2018. We will start with the US which continues to be the locomotive of the markets’ direction. We are of the opinion that capital...
by John E. Charalambakis | Oct 26, 2017 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
In this week’s commentary, we opted to discuss electric vehicles (EVs). We are of the opinion that EVs present good opportunities for investment consideration. Such investments could look into at least two segments, namely the manufacturers and the materials that are...
by John E. Charalambakis | Oct 19, 2017 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
Resilient and liquid financial markets are essential to keeping the global economy going. A decade ago payments systems and capital markets seized up almost everywhere and a year later the world was facing a financial and economic abyss. The magnification of credit...
by John E. Charalambakis | Oct 12, 2017 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
A few days ago the IMF published its annual forecasts for developed and emerging economies. Five things are worth pointing out: First, when we review forecasts made for previous years it becomes obvious that the IMF is overestimating growth potential. Second,...
by John E. Charalambakis | Oct 5, 2017 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
Over the course of the last few days, some important pieces were published on the valuation of equities and bonds. At the same time we observed independent referendums taking place in Spain and in Kurdistan. The latter could possibly be signs of a devolutionary...
by John E. Charalambakis | Sep 21, 2017 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
Throughout the ages, war has been the engine of finance. The collusion between Russia and China in the last few weeks and months in order to bypass the US dollar in the international monetary system is equal to – if not more important than – the North...