Is Amazon Causing a Retail Apocalypse?

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) are the first US companies to cross the one trillion dollar market cap ribbon, with Apple winning by a nose. (They are not the first trillion dollar companies, however. Both PetroChina and Saudi Aramco have been larger than...

Emerging Markets Overview

This commentary is an overview of Emerging Markets (EMs). We begin with a brief review of their recent trends, then explore common factors that affect most every EM (such as the strengthening of the USD), then look at factors that will affect different markets...

Sector Focus: Industrials

This week we continue our review of the different sectors within the S&P and in the commentary below we discuss the industrial sector. Overall, the industrial sector globally is healthy and growing at a moderate pace. We will look at this a bit more closely, and...