
By: Joel Charalambakis | On: November 20, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Despite continuing concerns about the vibrancy of the retail sector stocks posted a strong week, led by the Consumer Discretionary sector. Emerging markets are posed to record their […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: November 15, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Stocks delivered one of their worst weeks since August, when China’s devaluation and macro concerns sparked volatility. Every sector, save for Utilities, saw a sharp downturn as poor […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: November 10, 2015 |

The Tranquility of Volatility: The Risk of the Uncertainty and the Pricing of Assets

It is an indisputable fact that the last ten months have been characterized by high volatility. The market breadth (defined as the number of advancing over declining stocks) has turned […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: October 30, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Stocks ended October posting some of their best monthly gains in years. 76% of reporting firms have surpassed their earnings expectations thus far in Q3 although sales figures […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: October 25, 2015 |

Shifting Cycles and Portfolio Structures: Hand Me Another Brick to Build a Shelter From the Storm

As previously noted from this page, I believe that we are entering into a period where the forces of market risk, volatility, liquidity, and credit risk encompass a cycle whose […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: October 17, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Stocks in the U.S. posted another week of gains and have largely recovered from their period of volatility in August. With the Fed Funds Futures and Bond Markets […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: October 14, 2015 |

Financial Distress: Infatuations and Magnificent Illusions

In his 1984 Shareholder Letter, Warren Buffett wrote: “The corpse is supposed to file the death certificate. Under this ‘honor system’ of mortality, the corpse sometimes gives itself the benefit […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: October 9, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Despite more data that questioned the health of the current macroeconomic environment asset markets had one of their best weeks in months. Energy and Materials, the two weakest […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: October 5, 2015 |

The Rolling Pyramid of Historical Financial Crises and the Moral Economic Imperatives: Distinguishing Causes from Symptoms

The Rolling Pyramid of Historical Financial Crises and the Moral Economic Imperatives: Distinguishing Causes from Symptoms We have noted in past commentaries that our global financial system moves from crisis […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: September 28, 2015 |

On the Disruption of the Disruptors: The Redrafting of a New Chapter in Global Developments

In the art of war (in the general spirit of geopolitical and geoeconomic diplomacy) the opponent’s greatest strength happens to be his greatest weakness. Let’s take a look at a […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: September 26, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action An upward revision to Q2 GDP growth from 3.7% to 3.9% couldn’t lift markets this past week. The downfall this week hit the Nasdaq especially hard as concerns […]