
By: Joel Charalambakis | On: March 20, 2016 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The U.S. stock market delivered its fifth consecutive week of gains and entered into positive territory for the first time in 2016. Thanks to the Fed’s diminished expectations […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 16, 2016 |

Financial Conditions and Helicopter Money: Generational Public Ethos and Norms Greet Mr. Market

We are experiencing a transformational change from post-modernity to meta-modernity. As that transformation takes place public philosophy, customs, policies and norms also change. The metamorphosis which is now at works […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 10, 2016 |

Counterparty Risks and the Gathering Storm: Inadequate Solutions and Absurd Voices

In a recent commentary we pointed out that one of the largest clearing houses asked for a $50 billion capital contribution from member institutions, (see ). We have also […]

By: Lawrence Goodman | On: March 8, 2016 |

It’s The “Never Befores,” Stupid

We are delighted to host the presentation that Mr. Lawrence Goodman made last week at the Stronger Global Economic Growth Conference in Shanghai. Mr. Goodman is the president of the Center […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: March 5, 2016 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action Markets around the globe moved higher in unison this week although the catalysts seem to deviate. U.S. data this week showed promise for the economy while in China […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 3, 2016 |

Rendezvous with the Future: Looking Forward Through the Lenses of the Past Quarter Century

In this commentary, and in future postings, neither do we intend to outline all possible scenarios regarding the unfolding of geopolitical and geoeconomic events, nor do we suggest that the […]

By: Thierry Malleret | On: February 29, 2016 |

Monthly Barometer’s Forward-Looking Monthly Review: An Interdisciplinary View of our Complex Global Economy

Today’s world is safer and richer than it has ever been, but this is of little comfort to those whose expectations are repeatedly disappointed. When one starts connecting the economic, […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: February 28, 2016 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action For the second straight week U.S. equities markets posted robust returns though they remain down on the year so far. Yields on benchmark bonds also remain stubbornly low, […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: February 23, 2016 |

Systemic Risks and Collateral Velocity, Part II: Credit Bottlenecks and Market Tremors

In our commentary dated February 10th ( we outlined the significance of collateral velocity and the inherent dangers of another crisis given that the main culprit (derivatives) of the 2008 […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: February 20, 2016 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action Global stocks had their best week of 2016 thanks largely to softer expectations from monetary authorities. China continues to inject cash into the economy and reported strong credit […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: February 17, 2016 |

The Flattening of the Yield Curve and the Migration of Risks: The Path of Hedging Holdings and a Contrarian View on Market Trajectory

Historically, the inversion of the yield curve is a good predictor of recessions. On top of this when spreads of high yield bonds reach the current level of 850 bps […]