
By: Joel Charalambakis | On: April 15, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The dollar fell against a number of currencies on Thursday, particularly the Yen and Yuan, as President Trump declared China to not be a currency manipulator and that […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: April 11, 2017 |

Complacency in the Midst of Market Cycles: Liquidity Pressures and Geopolitics

Money markets experienced some kind of distortion in the last 18-24 months due to global dollar shortages as the Fed got into the swing of “normalizing” rates. Money markets several […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: April 9, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action Minutes of the Federal Reserve’s March meeting were released this week and portions of their content caught markets by surprise. There was wide agreement among board members that […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: April 4, 2017 |

Global Market Resilience: Noise, Global Trade, and Policy Directives

In the last couple of weeks a reality seems to be settling in the minds of over-optimistic investors. That reality says that it would not be so easy to enact […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: April 2, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action Brexit is officially a reality as Theresa May invoked Article 50 to remove the United Kingdom from the European Union. The maneuver sets off two years of negotiations […]

By: Thierry Malleret | On: March 31, 2017 |

Monthly Barometer’s Forward-Looking Monthly Review: An Interdisciplinary View of our Complex Global Economy

March 2017   As in February, robust data continues to support the global synchronized economic recovery. A rise in global trade is taking hold (in volume terms, it just reached […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 29, 2017 |

The Zadig & Micromega Perspective: Global Demand, Servicing the Debt, and Economic Developments

“Zadig” a.k.a. “Destiny: An Oriental Story” and “Micromegas” were two of Voltaire’s philosophical tales dated back in the middle of the 18th century. In the former Voltaire explores the reason’s […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: March 25, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The stock market’s streak of consecutive days without a 1% move down ended at 67 days, the longest streak on record. Politics is being blamed for the downturn […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 23, 2017 |

Market Valuations and Reflationary Expectations: What Can we Learn from a London Art Exhibition?

A recent investors’ survey done by Bank of America Merrill Lynch found that more and more investors believe that stocks are overvalued. Expectations about earnings, taxes, spending, and regulatory regime, […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: March 18, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

 Market Action The Federal Reserve proceeded with another rate hike this week, just as markets expected. Chair Janet Yellen cited confidence in the progression of the economy’s fundamentals as the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 15, 2017 |

From Convergence to Divergence: Emerging Markets in Expectation of Higher Rates

Over the course of the last few months, we observe that not only developed markets have been enjoying good returns, but also emerging markets rise along with them. As the […]