
By: John E. Charalambakis | On: May 17, 2018 |

The Revenge of the Long-Term Cycle: Portfolio Enhancement

In late 1999/early 2000, the excitement of the internet and the dot-com exuberance attracted capital away from investments that require a medium to long-term perspective. The result was that supplies […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: May 13, 2018 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities showed a solid advance on the week, helping push the major US benchmarks back into positive territory for the year to date. Crude oil prices reached […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: May 10, 2018 |

Dollar Trajectory and Geopolitical Tensions: The New Thucydides Route

The dollar has been getting stronger at a time when the Chinese have started to price oil in renminbi. In simple statecraft language, such action by the Chinese could just […]

By: Andy Quirk | On: May 5, 2018 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Argentina’s central bank shocked markets by raising interest rates to 40 percent on Friday. The peso moved nearly 5 percent higher to 21.17 against the dollar, but remains […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: May 2, 2018 |

Market Isosthenia in a World of Etatism: The Triumph of Illiberalism

We live by appearances and as we pretend that all things are getting better and that debts do not matter we are becoming villains perpetuating a culture of Pyrrhonism[1] where […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: April 28, 2018 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities were little changed on the week, recovering ground lost at midweek. The yield on the US 10-year Treasury note rose three basis points from last Friday, […]

By: Andy Quirk | On: April 26, 2018 |


Important issues to watch around the globe: United States – North Korea summit Arguably the most important geopolitical news of this month is the possibility of a summit between the […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: April 21, 2018 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities rose modestly this week, boosted by broad strength in commodities and a strong start to earnings season. The blended earnings growth rate, which combines the S&P […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: April 19, 2018 |

Leverage, Valuations, and Earnings: Algorithmic Complexities, Monetary Gamesmanship, and Capital Protection

This year’s market gyrations should be viewed under the microscope of leverage. When we do that as the first figure shows below, then we can possibly start comprehending that in […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: April 14, 2018 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities climbed this week despite fluctuating sentiment about the prospects of a trade war between the US and China and heightened geopolitical tension over Syria. Oil prices […]

By: Ken Rietz | On: April 12, 2018 |

Sector Focus: Industrials

This week we continue our review of the different sectors within the S&P and in the commentary below we discuss the industrial sector. Overall, the industrial sector globally is healthy […]