
By: Rachel Poole | On: August 13, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

3 Potential 2020 Election Outcomes — and What They Could Mean for Investors Lisa Beilfuss, Barron’sRead the full article here Currently, voter polls are predicting that former Vice President Joe […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: August 11, 2020 |

Reviewing Economic Developments: Getting Away from Colchis with the Golden Fleece

During the month of July, economic momentum lost ground, as portrayed by the Consumer Sentiment Index shown below. Data related to employment, spending, and mobility also reflected the slow down. […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 9, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities make gains – Global equities made gains this week. The Nasdaq Index hit a new record this week, surpassing 11,000. The yield on the 10-year […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 7, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

The Covid-19 Pandemic is Forcing a Rethink in Macroeconomics The EconomistRead the full article here The Covid-19 pandemic may be ushering in a new era of macroeconomics. Supply chains and production […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 5, 2020 |

Crossroads: At the intersection of geopolitics and geoeconomics

Here is a summary of the most important events that unfolded this month, and which may affect economic, financial and geopolitical issues in the months ahead:  North America Over the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: August 4, 2020 |

If FAANG is the Answer, then what are the Questions?

Sometimes I feel that I have no answers, and as a teacher my role is to question my students’ answers. When unrestricted growth and concentrated power is amassed at the […]

By: Tyler Thompson | On: August 3, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities mostly flatGlobal equities saw little change on the week. We saw initial signs of turmoil and higher risks associated with market valuations. The yield on the […]

By: Tyler Thompson | On: July 31, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Here is a summary of four articles with unique insights that may have an impact on our lives and portfolios in the medium term. Redrawing the Map of Global Trade […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: July 28, 2020 |

Money, Debts, Gold and the Greenback: When Yeats Met Orwell

In his sixth section of “Meditations in Time of Civil War”, the famous Nobel laureate Irish poet (and pillar of literature) William Butler Yeats writes: “We had fed the heart […]

By: Tyler Thompson | On: July 27, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities suffer slight dropGlobal equities ended the week down slightly as news of rising unemployment and heightening tensions between the US and China beat out stimulus […]

By: Tyler Thompson | On: July 24, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

By Rachel Poole and Tyler Thompson There are those who make a difference. There are those who draft history. And then there are those who change history forever. We hope […]