
By: The BlackSummit Team | On: December 22, 2020 |

What Does the Market Expect for Dividends?

“We have made very little progress in life by trying to outguess these macroeconomic factors. We basically have abdicated. We’re just swimming all the time, and we let the tide […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 19, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Happy Holidays from the BlackSummit team!Due to Christmas and the New Year, the Weekly Market Update will not be published on December 26th or January 2nd. Global Market News Global […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 17, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Here is our take on the articles summarized below: While stock markets have seen an incredible recovery since the crash at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, other crucial building blocks […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: December 15, 2020 |

Assessing the Prospects of 2021: Part I

Is our desire to assess and “predict” the future a reflection of what is known for thousands of years now as being “partakers of the divine nature”?  I started my […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 12, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities fall on the weekAfter entering record-high territory last week, global equities fell this week as global Covid-19 cases continued to rise sharply. The yield on […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 10, 2020 |

Geopolitical Challenges and Statecraft

The world may be reaching another inflection point in the next few years. Instability (political, economic, social, financial) and upheaval may be reaching alarming levels. Consequently, the global balance of […]

By: The BlackSummit Team | On: December 8, 2020 |

SPACs: Sponsor Revolution or PIPE Dream

“Corporations get the shareholders they deserve.”                                                                                      – Warren Buffett With valuations at cycle highs there is no shortage of analogies to compare the market today to its past peaks. […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 5, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities approach record-highsGlobal equities approached record-high territory this week on expectations of a fast rollout of several Covid-19 vaccines and the hopes that more fiscal stimulus […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 4, 2020 |

Crossroads: At the Intersection of Geopolitics and Geoeconomics

Here is a summary of the most important events that unfolded last month, and which may affect economic, financial and geopolitical issues in the months ahead:  North America Former vice […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: December 3, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Starting next week, we will begin alternating our Covid-19 and the Day After publication with a new commentary summarizing articles that highlight the critical geopolitical trends impacting our lives and […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: December 2, 2020 |

Portfolio Anchoring & Capital Allocation at the Dawn of Power Shifts

Can we truly live and invest heroically? Can we truly stare into the abyss of pain, despair, and disaster and somehow draw strength from those encounters?  Could we contemplate on […]