
By: John E. Charalambakis | On: April 12, 2012 |

The Migration of Delusion and the Epidemic of Irrationality

The markets were rattled in the last few days. Let’s review what the conventional wisdom underwrote as the main causes (we use the plural causes, since the explanation was changing […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: April 5, 2012 |

The Unbearable Lightness of Complacency: The Voyage for Returns in the Midst of Strategic Disintegration

The risks in the global economy remain due to Europe’s problems in the banking and fiscal spheres as well as due to the hundreds of trillions of dollars in toxic […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 25, 2012 |

A Tale of Two Doors: Energy, the Dollar, and the ECB

A friend was telling me lately that it seems that there are two kinds of people: Those who chose the door that leads to paradise and those who choose the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 19, 2012 |

Signs of Controlled Disintegration: The Market for Debt, Financial Stability & Prospects for Growth

It has long been our position that the debt market should be viewed as a market for third-party liabilities. Its growth advances leverage and brings with it diminishing returns since […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 14, 2012 |

From the Cacophony of the Fall to the Rhapsody of the Spring: Sovereigns, Risks, and Returns

We just want to erase from our memories the happenings of last fall, when the markets were dropping nervously while searching for signs of life. The swap lines announced by […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 8, 2012 |

Strategic Disintegration: Part II

Last week we posted the presentation that Chairman Volcker gave at Warwick University approximately thirty-three years ago. We believe that speech set the foundation for a great economic reversal that […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: February 19, 2012 |

On Debts, Leverage, and the Sustainability of the Euro Zone: T like Titanic or Taunus

The Eurogroup is meeting one more time on Monday to decide about the second rescue package for Greece. Division among its members regarding the package exacerbates the markets’ uncertainty. In […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: February 11, 2012 |

Abyssus Abyssum Invocat: On Liquidity Premiums and the Broadening of the Collateral Base

The calls heard last week from the southern periphery of the EU seem to be coming from the abyss. The Greek economy is in her fifth year of contraction, the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: February 6, 2012 |

An Asymmetrical Diaspora of Credit and Capital: Market Upswing and Policies’ Lags

The argument of this commentary is as follows: The market experiences an upswing (which we anticipated and started commenting on December 21, 2011) due to two basic facts: First, the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 30, 2012 |

An Exercise in Futility: Can we Add by Subtracting?

Today the EU leaders are gathering again for another summit! More than two years into their crisis, they cannot get their act together while continuing on the same path of […]