by John E. Charalambakis | Apr 8, 2011 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
We live in peculiar, maybe schizophrenic days. The drama that started unfolding in August 2007 pertained to Act I – known as the bursting of credit bubbles – that carry with them significant negative effects for equity and debt markets and in their own way...
by John E. Charalambakis | Mar 25, 2011 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
At the time of this drafting the news centers on different fronts: Prime Minister Socrates in Portugal announced his resignation over a lost confidence vote in the parliament that was about the fourth austerity package of measures within a year! Portugal soon may be...
by John E. Charalambakis | Mar 17, 2011 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
The global equities market and its bullishness has experienced a shock. By some historical standards such as the P/E ratio and the forward-looking earnings multiple, the markets (at least some sectors) are overvalued, and thus the Japanese catastrophe becomes an...
by John E. Charalambakis | Mar 8, 2011 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
Since our last post covering global hot spots, the protest movements throughout the Middle East have only continued and picked up in intensity. Oman, Saudi Arabia (BTW for how long will it be known as Saudi Arabia and not just Arabia?), Iran (theocracy is dead, and...
by John E. Charalambakis | Mar 2, 2011 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
Bob Dylan’s song “The times they ‘re a changing”, fits pretty well in today’s global picture. The landscape is changing indeed. Where should we start? In the Arab world? In the fiscal imbalances in the EU but also in the US? In the credit mechanism and its collateral...
by John E. Charalambakis | Feb 21, 2011 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
Over the weekend the headline news was about the continuing turmoil in Arab countries. The reports state that over 200 people are dead in Libya, after the “firing on civilians” took place. The autocratic regime of Gaddafi may be cracking after more than 40 years in...