by John E. Charalambakis | Aug 14, 2012 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
There are good chances that the EU – as we know it – may be headed towards its last tango, made in Berlin. It seems that the EU has lost its innocent anonymity and is disillusioned to the point of not just encouraging capital misallocation but rather losing its...
by John E. Charalambakis | Aug 7, 2012 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
It seems that the regime in Syria is going through its last phase. The emerging civil war may wrap up the first phase of the face-lift in the Middle East. Almost 2000 years ago, on the road to Damascus someone else set the foundations that changed the face of history....
by John E. Charalambakis | Jul 19, 2012 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
I am of the opinion that one of the many things we should always remember from the great teacher is that the “unexamined life is not worth living”. It seems that we are trying to apply treatments/solutions to the serious problems of the global economy (but primarily...
by John E. Charalambakis | Jul 12, 2012 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
People are wondering these days: “Where is the stock market going?” Analysts look at charts, at P/E ratios, at profit margins and several other figures and try to make pronouncements as to the market’s direction. We think things might be a bit more complex than that....
by John E. Charalambakis | Jul 6, 2012 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
A general perception that the global economy is slowing down seems to prevail. At the same time the Euro zone crisis – in spite of the measures taken – will be exacerbated by the known and unknown liabilities that exist in the financial and public sectors. We...
by John E. Charalambakis | Jun 29, 2012 | Commentaries, Uncategorized
The markets celebrate today the outcomes of the EU summit. The delusion that through more debt and political manipulations the cancer can be treated is truly the amalgam of illusion in the garden of fantasy. No real substance, which reminds me of what a dear friend...