
By: Laura Hochstetler | On: November 12, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities reached all-time highs at midweek before backing down amid anxiety about delays in US corporate tax cuts. Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on corruption, growing tensions between Iran […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: November 9, 2017 |

The Strategic Importance of Brazil

by Evan Ellis Evan Ellis, Phd, is a research professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute with a focus on the region’s relationships […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: November 5, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities set record highs again during the week, against a backdrop of solid economic and earnings growth. U.S. job growth accelerated in October after hurricane-related disruptions in […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: November 2, 2017 |

An Initial Look at Key Indicators for 2018: Could the Upswing Continue?

For this week’s commentary, we have chosen to look at three important indicators which could shape up the markets’ trajectory in 2018. We will start with the US which continues […]

By: Thierry Malleret | On: October 31, 2017 |

Monthly Barometer’s Forward-Looking Monthly Review: An Interdisciplinary View of our Complex Global Economy

October 2017   The IMF has just increased GDP forecasts for all advanced economies – with the exception of Spain and the UK. When everything is going well, it’s time […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: October 29, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action The US economy grew at a faster-than-forecast pace of 3% in the third quarter, handily beating 2.5% forecasts. Economists had expected a moderate Q3 slowdown because of the […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: October 26, 2017 |

Electric Vehicles and Market Penetration: Investment Implications

In this week’s commentary, we opted to discuss electric vehicles (EVs). We are of the opinion that EVs present good opportunities for investment consideration. Such investments could look into at […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: October 22, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities extended their gains this week and the Dow breached 23,000. Over the last week U.S. fund investors rushed into American and emerging market equities: Stock mutual […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: October 19, 2017 |

Financial Stability and Business Cycle: Cicero on Risk Migration, Exogenous Shocks, and the Twin Engines

Resilient and liquid financial markets are essential to keeping the global economy going. A decade ago payments systems and capital markets seized up almost everywhere and a year later the […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: October 15, 2017 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action The MSCI World benchmark of large and mid-cap stocks reached a new all-time high on Wednesday amid gains in most Asian and European markets. Japan’s Nikkei advanced to […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: October 12, 2017 |

Growth Forecasts and Policy Uncertainty: Implications for Portfolio Adjustments

A few days ago the IMF published its annual forecasts for developed and emerging economies. Five things are worth pointing out: First, when we review forecasts made for previous years […]