
By: John E. Charalambakis | On: February 7, 2019 |

On Earnings and Economic Prospects: Risks Assessment

 Since the beginning of the year, equity as well as debt-related markets have been on an upswing. The concession given by the Fed on rate increases, the truce on […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: February 2, 2019 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities climbed on the week, likely thanks in part to a dovish turn by the US Federal Reserve. The shift in tone from the Fed pushed the […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: February 1, 2019 |

Crossroads: At the Intersection of Geopolitics and Geoeconomics

Here are some critical issues to watch around the globe over the coming month:   North America The US government has reopened after a partial government shutdown that lasted 35 […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: January 26, 2019 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Equities worldwide this week extended their 2019 share price rebound from their December 2018 lows. The yield on the 10-year US Treasury note slipped a couple of basis […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 24, 2019 |

Between Fear and Hope: Let’s Choose Hope

 We are at an economic, financial, and political crossroad. That crossroad extends from the East and reaches out to the West. From fear of an economic slowdown in China […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: January 19, 2019 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities rose significantly this week amid optimism over the potential for a US-China trade deal. The yield on the US 10-year Treasury note rose seven basis points […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 16, 2019 |

Domestic & International Developments: Market Reaction and Assessment

About 45 years ago, a famous song appeared. As the years passed, the song’s popularity grew dramatically. The name of the song was “Brain Damage” and it started like this: […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: January 12, 2019 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities moved higher on the week, likely boosted by progress in US-China trade talks and signs that the US Federal Reserve will take a go-slow approach on […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 10, 2019 |

The Euro at 20: Cheating Death but Still Dysfunctional

 On January 1st, the euro closed a circle of 20 years. The reality is that it remains a significant threat to European integration. The eurozone muddles along from crisis […]

By: Laura Hochstetler | On: January 5, 2019 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Global equities mostly rose on a volatile week, shaking off recent declines to open 2019. The yield on the US 10-year Treasury note stands at 2.66%, down about […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 3, 2019 |

New Year: Factors Shaping Up Markets

 During 2018, almost all major asset classes experienced declines. As previously commented, many sectors have dropped more than 20% since last September and while safe havens have made some […]