
By: Rachel Poole | On: March 13, 2021 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities rallyGlobal equities rallied this week after sustaining losses last week. The S&P 500 and Dow Jones were up 2.64% and 4.07% respectively. A tech rally brought the […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: March 11, 2021 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Here is our take on the articles summarized below:  The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted many sectors of the global economy in both good ways and bad. Our summaries today focus […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: March 9, 2021 |

Hope is Not a Plan. Disruption is Not a Thesis.

“Don’t confuse genius with a bull market.” HB Neill There probably isn’t an industry that historically gets more impacted by disruption than the media space. The current narrative and environment […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: March 6, 2021 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities drop as bond yields rise Global equities continued falling this week as bond yields ticked up. The S&P 500 and Dow Jones made up losses […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: March 4, 2021 |

Geopolitical Challenges and Statecraft

Over the last decade, we have transitioned from a bi-polar world order to one that is increasingly multi-polar, with China competing to be recognized as a global leader. China competes […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: March 2, 2021 |

When Isaiah Berlin Dined with Xi Jinping: Extrapolating Facts about The Great Wall of Steroids

The invitation sent by Isaiah Berlin left the date open. The city was supposed to be London.  However, Xi Jinping responded with one precondition: An assessment by Berlin of Biden’s […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: March 1, 2021 |

Crossroads: At the Intersection of Geopolitics and Geoeconomics

Here is a summary of the most important events that unfolded last month, and which may affect economic, financial and geopolitical issues in the months ahead:  North America The US […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: February 25, 2021 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Here is our take on the articles summarized below:  One recurrent theme of the coronavirus pandemic is its tendency to expose the subsurface workings of our world. For this week’s summaries, […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: February 23, 2021 |

When Moore Isn’t Enough: Part I

It seems like every day there’s a new story discussing the global shortage in semiconductors/chips, affecting everything from smartphones, to computers, to data centers and medical devices (examples here, here, […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: February 20, 2021 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities pause rallyGlobal equities lost some ground this week, as the rally seen over the last couple of weeks paused. The yield on the 10-year US […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: February 18, 2021 |

Geopolitical Challenges and Statecraft

The articles we selected this week explore shifting power balances through several lenses. First, renewable energy is a relatively new piece on the geopolitical chessboard, but it has quickly garnered […]