
By: John E. Charalambakis | On: December 28, 2014 |

On Foxes and Hedgehogs: Assimilating the Dissimilar while Contemplating the Impalpable and the Imponderable

I boarded the nonstop flight from Miami to Buenos Aires. As in the previous years during this time, it was destined to be an exciting flight. My fellow co-passengers in […]

By: Daniel Stelter | On: December 26, 2014 |

Japan: Abe’s Remaining Options

Blacksummit Financial Group is honored to publish the following piece by Dr. Daniel Stelter, with his permission. This is the first of three posts by Dr. Stelter that we will […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: December 23, 2014 |

Existential Market Disruptors, Part II: Contemplating Credit and Currency Scenarios for 2015

The purpose of this commentary is not to convey our outlook for 2015. That will be forthcoming in two parts in the next couple of weeks. Rather its purpose is […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: December 20, 2014 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Markets experienced their most turbulent week since the decline of mid-October. Going back to December 9th the Dow Jones lost close to 5% in the span of a […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: December 17, 2014 |

Geopolitical Journal: December 17th

Geopolitical Headlines Russia Tension and fragility in Russia grow deeper every day and on a multitude of fronts. The precipitous decline of oil brings worry about the basic foundations of […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: December 12, 2014 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its second worst week of 2014 as it joined other major global markets in a selloff of equities. The sharp downturn was […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: December 8, 2014 |

Existential Disruptors Wanted: Markets’ Demarcation Destiny Faces the Sea of Risks

We live in a delusion. We face a sea of risks and we contemplate if we need more debt. This is like asking a diabetic if he needs more sugar. […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: December 5, 2014 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action A sterling jobs report released Friday morning pushed equities in the U.S. to overcome meager data unveiled earlier in the week. The addition of 321,000 jobs in November […]

By: Thierry Malleret | On: December 1, 2014 |

A Review of the Most Important Global Events in November by Monthly Barometer

  The global economy seems to be afflicted by a sort of languor. The bottom line is this: extraordinarily aggressive monetary policies have failed to deliver robust and sustainable economic […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: November 29, 2014 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action A shortened trading week did not prevent markets from maintaining a bullish trend. Equities rose this week as economic data out of the U.S. supported growth and commentary […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: November 26, 2014 |

Geopolitical Journal: November 26

Geopolitical Headlines Iran Negotiators between key global powers and the Islamic republic of Iran were not able to agree to a deal or the framework for an agreement by the […]