
By: Thierry Malleret | On: January 30, 2015 |

A Review of the Most Important Global Events in January by Monthly Barometer

   Yet again and despite the fillip of collapsing oil prices, projections for global growth have been revised downwards – to 3.5% this year and 3.7% in 2016, down from […]

By: Daniel Stelter | On: January 26, 2015 |

A Better Alternative to QE for Europe: Ben Bernanke’s helicopter drop: Money for citizens, not banisters.

Despite all the advertising, launching quantitative easing (QE) in Europe may well be counter-productive. This is due in no small part to significant structural differences between the U.S. and European […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: January 25, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Markets got the sugar rush they had long been craving as Mario Draghi announced a QE program involving €60 billion per month starting next month through at least […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: January 23, 2015 |

Geopolitical Journal: January 23

Geopolitical Headlines Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Azziz al-Saud passed away on Thursday at the age of 90. He had been hospitalized with a case of pneumonia for weeks. […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 21, 2015 |

Fait Accompli: Searching for Answers Where Answers Cannot Be Found

As it is widely expected, the ECB will unveil today its own version of QE. Welcome to a dead-end where central banks may resemble Prometheus bound by chains made by […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: January 16, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action U.S. markets on Friday ended a five-day streak of losses for risk assets. A combination of weak economic data, global growth concerns and disappointing Q4 earnings contributed to […]

By: Daniel Stelter | On: January 16, 2015 |

How Japan Bankrupted Itself

Following the start of Abenomics in 2012, Japan moved back to the center of attention of global financial markets. After two and a half decades of economic stagnation, hopes were […]

By: John E. Charalambakis | On: January 11, 2015 |

The Illusion of a European Firewall: Reflections on a Convoluted Expedition

The Euro – the epitome of what is known as a dysfunctional currency- is shaking. It seems that the Fed no longer needs to support it at those irrational levels, […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: January 9, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action  A strong jobs report published Friday could not assuage markets, pushing them down overall on the week and 2015 so far. While the headline jobs growth exceeded forecasts […]

By: Joel Charalambakis | On: January 4, 2015 |

Weekly Market Update

Market Action Rising volatility in U.S. markets and international worries pushed major indices down for the past week. Some disappointing data, particularly in housing, took some steam out of equities. […]

By: Thierry Malleret | On: January 2, 2015 |

A Review of the Most Important Global Events in December by Monthly Barometer

  The combat against lowflation, or possibly deflation, will be by far the greatest economic challenge of 2015. The world economy is now deflation-prone, and in almost all developed economies, […]