Author: Rachel Poole

By: Rachel Poole | On: July 3, 2020 |

Crossroads: At the Intersection of Geoeconomics and Geopolitics

North America Surprisingly, global equity markets have continued their rebound, making up the ground lost in March. Many economists and investors attribute the soaring numbers to the trillions of dollars […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 20, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities back on the riseAfter last week’s dip, global equities rose this week amid signs the global economy is recovering. Markets seem to be assuming that […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 19, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

OECD warns of deepest economic scars in peacetime for a century Chris Giles, Financial TimesRead the full article here While the equity markets seem to have taken for granted the likelihood […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 13, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities falterGlobal equities took a tumble this week after markets dropped close to 6% on Thursday amid concerns over an increase in Covid-19 hospitalizations, excessive market […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 13, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Shipping Industry Warns of Trade Logjam as Crews Remain Stranded Peggy Hollinger, Robert Wright, and Michael Pooler; Financial TimesRead the full article here Nearly 400,000 crew are stranded at sea or […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 6, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities surgeGlobal equities made significant gains this week. Promising results from the monthly labor report, which we break down further below, fueled gains on Friday. The […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 5, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Given the unprecedented times we’re living in, we started a new service of sending once a week, a summary of 3-4 articles that reflect the new realities and their potential impact […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: June 1, 2020 |

Crossroads: At the intersection of geopolitics and geoeconomics

Here is a summary of the most important events that unfolded this month, and which may affect economic, financial and geopolitical issues in the months ahead:  North America At the […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: May 30, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities make gainsGlobal equities made gains this week as more economies reopened and hopes for a Covid-19 vaccine spread. The yield on the US 10-year Treasury […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: May 28, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Given the unprecedented times we’re living in, we started a new service of sending once a week, a summary of 3-4 articles which reflect the new realities and their potential impact […]