Author: Rachel Poole

By: Rachel Poole | On: September 19, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities continue to dropAfter a strong start to the week for US tech and airline companies, global equities dropped lower on the week. The yield on […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: September 12, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities drop Global equities were down on the week after a tech selloff on Tuesday. By the end of trading on Friday, markets had recovered much […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: September 10, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Most Dangerous Waters in the World Are in the Mediterranean  James Stavridis – Bloomberg Read the full article here  There are three reasons Mr. Stavridis outlines to argue that the Mediterranean is […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: September 4, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

U.S. Election Priced as Worst Event Risk in VIX Futures History Michael P. Regan, BloombergRead the full article here Election season has traditionally been a source of volatility in the markets, […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: September 2, 2020 |

Crossroads: At the Intersection of Geopolitics and Geoeconomics

Here is a summary of the most important events that unfolded last month, and which may affect economic, financial, and geopolitical issues in the months ahead:  North America This month […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 29, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities hit record highs This week, global equities rose to new highs. The S&P 500 Index is near to the end of its best-performing month of […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 27, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

Time for Action on America’s Darwinian Debt Struggle Robin Wigglesworth, Financial Times Read the full article here Since March, the Fed has unleashed a dizzying display of relief measures aimed at […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 22, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global rise despite Fed’s warnings Global equities rose slightly from last week even amid comments from the Federal Reserve that Covid-19 will continue to weigh heavily on […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 21, 2020 |

Covid-19 and the Day After

“We Will Never Again See the World That We Left Behind One Month Ago” Stéphane Audoin Rouzeau, Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs Read the full article here Both the Great War […]

By: Rachel Poole | On: August 15, 2020 |

Weekly Market Update

Global Market News Global equities inch forward Global equities made slight gains this week. The S&P 500 fell just shy of nearing record territory, shrugging off US-China tensions and Congress’ […]